Cindali does both work and study

Remember to read

Follow the pattern, Miss Li

Learn from OKR

Strengthening personnel development is indispensable

What is OKR?

OKR refers to a systematic approach to setting, communicating, and implementing goals and results within an organization.

5 steps to cultural change

Unity of Purpose - Recognize the Gap - Clear Path - Take Action - Keep Moving Forward

The benefits of OKR

The benefits OKR brings to the organization

OKR can really bring benefits to organizations, not only for digital startups, but also for large digital companies, as well as traditional companies undergoing digital transformation;

OKR can make the business more focused, focusing on business results rather than process in terms of goals;

Make internal communication clearer and help the team understand organizational goals and priorities and individual responsibilities in a transparent way.

Can let the collaboration become more smooth, through the common mutual success criteria, so that the organization synergy is strengthened;

It can make the discipline of achieving the goal stronger and ensure that the force is out of a hole in a standardized way.

The team can get more autonomy and have enough freedom to adjust flexibly according to their own methods.

It can make employees have a stronger sense of ownership and motivate everyone to take action and be responsible for their own goals.

It can make goal setting more challenging, encourage team members to step out of their comfort zones and rethink how they work, and most importantly, OKR makes organizations more agile, enables rapid adjustment, better ADAPTS to change, and reduces the risk that enterprises have to take when faced with digital shocks.

Cintali's development is not only based on the quality of our products and the high level of customer service, but also on the construction of our corporate culture. Qi Lin of chairman of letter Da Li is building a company while, pay attention to enterprise personnel to cultivate, add external course, create letter Da Li "enterprise university", the purpose is to be in in imperceptibly change, improve from inside, enhance employee quality level, improve personnel configuration. Only by fundamentally changing each individual, in the future work and process, each department will cooperate more efficiently and quickly. At the same time, the company will be able to operate more efficiently and quickly by clarifying its job responsibilities and understanding its responsibilities.

+86 18040011555 

Cindali factory address: No. 9, Zhongzhong Street, Industrial Park, Yi Road, Tieling County, Liaoning Province

Cindali sales center address: yuhong district shenyang city, liaoning province, huahua metal trading market south 3 building 6

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